Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#BB4SP: IRS Is Issuing Employee Bonuses, REALLY!?!?

#BB4SP: IRS Is Issuing Employee Bonuses, REALLY!?!?: With the investigation of the IRS targeting conservative groups is continuing the IRS is handing out bonuses to their employees. Dr....

#BB4SP: Sarah Palin Caught "Red-Handed"

#BB4SP: Sarah Palin Caught "Red-Handed": Charlie Crist ~> Gov. Palin Too Busy Doing Actual Work ! US News On his 2008 voyage to John McCain’s residence in Sedona, Ariz....

#BB4SP: Woody Allen Accused of Sex Abuse by Adopted Daught...

#BB4SP: Woody Allen Accused of Sex Abuse by Adopted Daught...: Renewed accusations that Woody Allen molested an adopted daughter (Dylan Farrow) two decades ago have now come forward.  Dr. Judy Ho...

#BB4SP: @SarahPalinUSA ~> @RepGosar True to Tea Party Prin...

#BB4SP: @SarahPalinUSA ~> @RepGosar True to Tea Party Prin...: Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today posted this Status Update on Facebook : Post by Sarah Palin . Retrieved from: Sara...

#BB4SP: Dear California ~> Your $1.37M tax dollars HARD at...

#BB4SP: Dear California ~> Your $1.37M tax dollars HARD at...: California spends $1.37M on ObamaCare web stream featuring Richard Simmons

#BB4SP: Tea Partiers will determine the mid-terms...and th...

#BB4SP: Tea Partiers will determine the mid-terms...and th...: By: Diane Sori “Play offense. Go after your opponent. Your opponent’s going after you, you go after your opponent. The best defense is...

News from Colonel Allen B. West as I receive it.

This week the Congressional Budget Office announced around 2 million full-time jobs will disappear because of Obamacare. Yet White House chief economic adviser Jason Furman said that’s a good thing because it gives workers more choices and more quality family time.
I’m telling you, this administration has more spin than a Maytag. And do they really think we’re THAT stupid? If we keep electing progressives, I guess so…
Steadfast and Loyal


Jason Furman
CBO says 2 million will lose jobs because of Obamacare and your government thinks that’s great news
Read this article →


Super-cool plan to stop Japan’s radiation

Super-cool plan to stop Japan’s radiation

Obama ‘destroying real people’s lives’

Obama ‘destroying real people’s lives’